Quality and Environment

Innovation and willingness to invest are vital components through which high-quality production results can be achieved. Our suppliers’ future-oriented developments are just as much accepted in our production processes as the suggestions and requests of our customers and initially independent market research and developments in terms of economic efficiency, quality, ecology and saving resources.

For example, we move a large portion of processed water through recycling systems and try wherever economically practical, to achieve energy savings.

According to the European Directive (2000/53/CE), we will process in all areas – without the use of chromium-VI, cadmium, lead, mercury.

In our in-house laboratory for process control and R+D activities we create computerized documents of process-related parameters, so that production segments are able to meet the basics in order to fulfil constantly growing quality requirements. This is the only way of achieving the goal of high customer satisfaction and long-term competitiveness.

Meeting the requirements of national and international standards, statutory and official regulations and requirements, as well as the corporate targets, is determined by management and first examined by internal and external audits.

If you are interested in our corporate philosophy, we would be pleased to send you our company policy – info@arens-oberflaechenfullservice.com.



